January 27, 2007

Today's THE Day . . .

I get my OWN craft room. No sharing it with a guest bed, no nothin' except ME, MYSELF and I!! Today will be spent cleaning (sigh), removing the offending guest bed, and buying another craft table (#3!!!) for the room. And more lamps. I'm psyched!! Pics to follow! Browse below if you haven't seen my latest picture posting.


  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to see the end result

  2. i'm set up in a guest bedroom as well. I'm was just thinking the other day that it would be nice to get rid of the bed. lucky you! so, what's you solution to the guest bed? send them to a hotel? :lol: Adelle

  3. Hello, I am new so you have not seen any posting from me. But I just wanted you to know that I am very happy for you and your new room. I want one too! \:-)

  4. CONGRATS!!! I have a half a room that I use for my stamping stuff.. the other half is computer stuff.. course I use that too (spending way too much time on SCS and surfing blogs of SCSer's!!) what's a girl to do! I am so happy for you to have your own stamping room, can't wait to see the pics. Pam

  5. Yay on your own room! I used to share my sunroom with my (at that time) 2 YO daughter and it's no fun. I have my own room now, attached to the kid's playroom in our finished basement and I LOVE it!

    Enjoy setting up your space--it's so worth it!

  6. Joan:
    Good luck with the big move. About 3 years ago I too, took over the guest room- why save a perfectly good room for company during the holidays when I "needed" it daily for stamping! Unfortunatley, 3 yrs later and the room still isn't done!
