Do You Love Ribbon?
On our way back from a nice 3 day trip to Pittsburgh, I talked my husband into a one mile detour to the Offray Ribbon Outlet in Hagerstown Maryland. Here's what I got! There are dozens and dozens of yards of ribbon -- 5 different pinks, 2 different oranges, 4 greens, etc.!! Can you guess what I paid for all this? Would $30 surprise you? Well, that would be a steal, wouldn't it? But, that's not what I paid (I sound like an infomercial!!). With tax, all this ribbon cost drumroll... $2.58!! Why didn't I get more?? ***** You know the saying, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen? Well, I can't! So I turned off comments on this blog, at least for a while. Enough said!