December 29, 2006


Since I've been a good blogger and posted pictures in the past few days, I'm rambling here a bit! The Gingerwood Bulletin Board is still down and I'm going through withdrawal. I miss those ladies!! . . . My mom is getting frailer and losing weight almost every day (which according to the internet, is a bad sign). I shouldn't get my medical advice from the internet, but I feel like a junior MD by sticking to legitimate medical sites. . .and really, the docs don't have good news for me anyway . . . I'm anxiously awaiting news of Julie Ebersole's on line magazine she's been tapped to edit . . . she's one knowledgeable and talented lady. I love the fact that she creates new things and doesn't follow the pack . . . Guess what?? Atomicbutterfly and Notimetostamp (SCS ladies) have been commenting on my cards in my gallery. I love their work, so I'm feeling full of myself!! I have Tuesday off from work because of President Ford's funeral. An extra day to play is always welcome, but I'm sad it is due to a death. I reset the counter to this blog at the beginning of October and it is over 26,000 by now (but that includes me checking to see if anyone has posted a comment, so there have been at least 4 hits since October) LOL Seriously, I know you are reading -- do me a fave, and every once in a while comment. It makes me feel all warm and cozy!


  1. Hi Joan,

    I too am going through withdrawal from Gingerwood board being down! So thank you for keeping us up to date about GW. I love your cards! They are truly creative and works of art!

    Ann in IL (Gingerwoodie)

  2. Yours was the first blog I ever looked at and was so impressed that I began to check out others, starting with your list of other blogs. Now I am addicted! There are some talented ladies out there, of which you are certainly one! Thank you for sharing your work and your life with us all, I know I appreciate it very much!

    I'm sorry that your mom isn't doing well, but I'm sure it does her good to be with you instead of in some hospital. I will keep you all in my thoughts.


  3. i love coming here and reading your blog daily.... sorry to hear about your mom she will be in my prayers... TFS everything you do...

  4. I am sorry that your mom isn't doing well. It's tough having a sick parent...Maybe the day off due to President Ford's funeral will be a day you can spend with your mom...Good luck. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. I visit your blog everyday. Your art is wonderful. Sorry to hear about your mom. She is in my prayers.

  6. You've got a lot of love coming your way from all of us. Keep the good thoughts.

  7. Joan,

    I miss you on the demo side of SCS! :) I pop in every few days to get a peek at your lovely work here. I'm sorry about your mom's condition worsening. Hugs to you for being so patient, caring, and loving.

  8. Hi Joan,
    just wanted to let you know I read your blog often and love your cards. I too am sad to hear about your mom. Hang in there.

  9. Just wanted to say hello and give you some warm fuzzies!
    I'm sorry to hear about your mom - this time is always difficult, even to think about. But, many blessings to you and your family!

  10. Joan, Thanks for having a Blog and sharing your talent and your life with us. I always enjoy reading your comments, and have found your Blog especially helpful this week when I'm suffering withdrawal from Gingerwood.
